full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kay M. Tye: What investigating neural pathways can reveal about mental health

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Mental health professionals, we're always thinking about what's the next new treatment. But before we can apply new treatments, we need people to feel comfortable seeking them. Imagine how dramatically we could reduce the rates of suicides and school shootings if everyone who needed mnaetl health sopuprt actually got it. When we truly understand exactly how the mind comes from the brain, we will improve the lives of everyone who will have a mental illness in their lfemitie — half the population — as well as everyone else with whom they share the wlord.

Open Cloze

Mental health professionals, we're always thinking about what's the next new treatment. But before we can apply new treatments, we need people to feel comfortable seeking them. Imagine how dramatically we could reduce the rates of suicides and school shootings if everyone who needed ______ health _______ actually got it. When we truly understand exactly how the mind comes from the brain, we will improve the lives of everyone who will have a mental illness in their ________ — half the population — as well as everyone else with whom they share the _____.


  1. lifetime
  2. mental
  3. support
  4. world

Original Text

Mental health professionals, we're always thinking about what's the next new treatment. But before we can apply new treatments, we need people to feel comfortable seeking them. Imagine how dramatically we could reduce the rates of suicides and school shootings if everyone who needed mental health support actually got it. When we truly understand exactly how the mind comes from the brain, we will improve the lives of everyone who will have a mental illness in their lifetime — half the population — as well as everyone else with whom they share the world.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mental health 7
neural circuits 5
optogenetic tools 3
specific neural 3
compulsive overeating 3
research program 2
motivated behaviors 2
mental illness 2
pop open 2
specific neurons 2
electrical signals 2
neural circuit 2
target neurons 2
sending messages 2
wires aimed 2
open arms 2
side effects 2
feeding behavior 2
emotional states 2
health treatment 2
health support 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
specific neural circuits 3
mental health treatment 2
mental health support 2

Important Words

  1. apply
  2. brain
  3. comfortable
  4. dramatically
  5. feel
  6. health
  7. illness
  8. imagine
  9. improve
  10. lifetime
  11. lives
  12. mental
  13. mind
  14. needed
  15. people
  16. population
  17. professionals
  18. rates
  19. reduce
  20. school
  21. seeking
  22. share
  23. shootings
  24. suicides
  25. support
  26. thinking
  27. treatment
  28. treatments
  29. understand
  30. world